Becoming a Member

What Makes a Spiritual Companion

For millennia people have turned to one another for spiritual guidance, direction, and companionship. Spiritual companions, guides, elders or directors come from a variety of backgrounds and types of spiritual formation. Seekers (directees) ultimately determine who is right for them. The process of becoming a professional offering spiritual direction work is a particular kind of spiritual formation, and is ongoing for as long as one serves in that role.  

We UUSDN members agree that spiritual companions:

Who are members of UUSDN

We are Unitarian Universalist religious professionals and lay people who take many different paths into spiritual direction. We want to assure those looking for companions within our network that our companions have been formed for spiritual direction work, continue to grow, and are accountable both to their seekers and to one another. 

How to become a member of UUSDN

We know there are many paths through formation to offer spiritual direction work, so we want to be in conversation with you about your formation. We expect our UUSDN spiritual companions to have completed training, be engaged in an ongoing formation process, and have a level of readiness needed for ethical and skillful professionalism. We expect our UUSDN members to be grounded in UU communities and literate in the breadth and diversity of our UU theologies and practices, recognizing we cannot be proficient in all of them. The profession does not yet have an accrediting body, so UUSDN has established the following path toward membership.  

While in Formation: 

Ready to be a full member:

We think that essential components of a path to being an ethical, prepared, spiritual companion are training, formation, supervised praxis, and accountability. We are also are aware that there are many forms of solid preparation. Here is a path many of our members have taken, equivalent paths are also welcome:


(Very partial list of Training programs our members have found worthwhile. If your program is not on the list, we will look at the program description on their website, or you can ask a program representative to send your membership guide a description of your program. We hope your program includes:

*Your membership guide will help you discern what might be equivalent.


Supervised Praxis:

Accountability (To stay in membership you must affirm your commitment to the below, annually):

Completed your training? Congratulations! APPLY for membership NOW

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