THIS is an ALL VOLUNTEER association. If you have time or talent to offer, please reach out!
Working groups are project specific and we expect them to change as we separately and together discern call and need.
Coordinating Team: Darcey Laine, Amy Beltaine, Michelle Pederson, Clyde Grubbs
Web Team: Michelle Pederson, Amy Beltaine (backup)
Website MaintenanceMembership Team: Linnea Nelson, Gloria Perez, Darcey Laine , Jan Nielsen
Onboarding and MentoringTransition working group: Clyde Grubbs, Jonalu Johnstone, Gloria Perez, Darcey Laine
De-colonizing and DreamingOutreach working group: Laura Horton-Ludwig, Linnea Nelson, Susie Idzik (public FB)
Letting potential seekers, friends, and related organizations know about SD and UUSDNInreach working group: Darcey Laine (member FB, Mailinglist),
Creating peer groups/connection opportunitiesAccountability working group:
Potential group to explore UUSDN's role in covenant, ethics, and conflict resolution between UUSDN members and between members/companions and seeker/explorers and others. - Contact anyone above if you would like to begin work in this capacity.