Beltaine, Rev. Amy (She/Her)

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Distance or Algarve, Portugal  | Zoom, Skype, Facebook, Facetime


Contemplative Listening Program, Namaste: Portland, OR (2012). Credentialed Spiritual Direction supervisor with Urban Spirituality Center (2019). Additional Supervision Credentialing (Lucy Abbot Tucker) (2021).


Monthly -  individual supervisor


Supervision groups, SD groups

UU WellSpring:

Approved  2021

Philosophy of Spiritual Direction:

I help allies, family members, and friends of marginalized folks whose hearts are breaking from the pain in the world, who wish to break open instead of break down and hope to mend themselves and the world. We need all the support we can get!

My theology is womanist process panentheist.  My spirituality is Moon/Forest/Bone. Path of bone: I am made of my relationships with my kin of blood and spirit-ancestors and current.  Path of moon: I grow from the insights of all teachers sharing the lessons of the cosmos and from universal experiences like the progression of the sun, and moon. Path of forest: I am accountable to my relationship with the sacred as manifest in my community,  the place I find myself... trees, soil, ocean, breeze, and beings. 

I hold an MDiv,  am  fellowshipped and ordained as a UU minister and credentialed as a transitions specialist with the Interim Ministry Network and a Spiritual Direction Supervisor. I serve on the coordinating committee of the UUSDN and as faculty at Cherry Hill Seminary  (a Pagan seminary). 

Uncover and use your spiritual superpowers. You  can conspire with divine love and do your work in abundance and flow. I offer practices (deep  listening, art, movement, guided journeys, Tarot, and more) which help you develop nourishing roots and support you as you strengthen or bloom.  

Make your free Get-to-Know-You appointment at or by e-mail. We will explore what spiritual tending is and how we might go forward together.  *GLBTQQIA&Ally affirming*

Updated 10/24 - AKB