Foley, Rev. Karen Lewis

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908 Swan Ridge Road, Charlottesville, VA 22903  | Skype or Zoom 


207-522-0883  | 


Shalem Institute for Spiritual Formation, Washington, D.C., (2004 )


Monthly peer supervision

Payment Notes:

UU Wellspring:

Sliding Scale

Approved 2020


I welcome those of any faith tradition or none who seek to explore or deepen their relationship with the great mystery at the heart of life. Many interfaith relationships over the years, including in my family, have enlarged and enriched my life and understanding of ways people experience their spirituality. I've worked with both clergy, laypeople, and ministerial students, and have particular interest in calling and career, aging, loss and grief, forgiveness, and spiritual practices. 


UUMA, Spiritual Directors International, Shalem Society for Contemplative Leadership 

Updated 9/2022 - AKB