Duhart, Rev. Jaqueline

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El Cerrito, CA 94530  | In-person/ Zoom 

Payment: Sliding fee scale


510.388.3123   |  pastorduhart@gmail.com   | https://moretounfold.com  


Interfaith Chaplaincy Institute, Berkeley, CA - 2019,  chioffice@chaplaincyinstitute.org 


Peer- Monthly

UU Wellspring:

Approved 2022

Philosophy of Spiritual Direction:

In a world that hungers for justice, respect and mercy, Pastor Duhart seeks to provide guidance to individuals and groups as they explore life purpose, their deepest truth(s), and nurture an authentic relationship with the sacred ground of their being which goes by many names and no name. I am trained as a Master level Clinical Social with a specialty in addressing trauma. I am also an ordained Unitarian Universalist minister. 


Unitarian Universalist Ministers' Association , East Bay Spiritual Directors of CA, Spiritual Directors International, Spiritual Directors of Color Network 

Updated 2/2023 - MP