Meyers, Rev. Barbara F.
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38132 Kimbro Street Fremont, CA 94536 | Zoom / Skype
510-493-1796 | |
Supervised Small Group, monthly
Philosophy of Spiritual Direction:
Special Interests Mental Health: The role of spirituality in recovery is crucial; it affects one’s world view and outlook on life. Spiritual direction is not a substitute for any required professional therapy, but can be done along with therapy. Scientists: Attending to spiritual matters can help balance a life filled with Reason. Spiritual Direction with Barbara Meyers Meeting times: 1 hour per month Meeting place: Mission Peak Unitarian Universalist Congregation Office 2950 Washington Blvd, Fremont, Zoom/Skype, or other mutually agreed-to location Compensation: Either: 2 hours of your hourly wage Or: Volunteer at least one hour at a local charitable agency
Updated 11/24 - MP