Collins, Rev. Joy

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Rochester, NY | Zoom, Skype, Facetime, phone 


585-749-0695 | | 


One Spirit Interspiritual Counseling Program, NYC   (2013)


peer, monthly UU Wellspring: Approved  (2019)

Philosophy of Spiritual Direction:

I was raised Roman Catholic and treasure some of the early gifts of that foundation. I have an abiding belief in the principle of "One Divinity, Many Paths" and see myself as a fellow-journeyer, and a humble listener. I'm a member of the LGBTQ population but my clients range all over the map!

For the last 25 years my spiritual and religious home has been at First Unitarian Church of Rochester, New York, where I was a founder of Wellspring. I also currently teach meditation there.

In 2011 I was ordained as an Interfaith Minister, from One Spirit Interfaith Seminary in New York City. I was certified as a spiritual director from One Spirit in 2013. 

My role is as companion, not expert. My only expertise is in sacred listening and a deep presence to whatever shows up. I bring an open heart, a sense of humor, and a trust that my client’s inner wisdom will speak, given time and safe space. 


Confirmed 11/2023 - MP