Morton, Arran

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 Address available upon request, Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada  | In-Person / Zoom /  Telephone

Contact: | Schedule free intro session



 Group supervision,  Bi-monthly 

Payment Notes:


Spiritual Direction Philosophy:

I offer creative and compassionate space that welcomes your whole self, honors your complexity, and invites transformation. We can co-create a place of reflection that can help integrate your values into your life, deepen your spiritual connection, and nurture your growth. 

Supporting people of all genders and theologies, I particularly delight in working with those who have barriers to spiritual community because they are queer, trans, neuro-sparkly, living with chronic pain/disability and/or religious professionals. 

I am an ordained Unitarian Universalist minister who is primarily inspired by Pagan, Buddhist, and arts-based practices.  I approach this work with a trauma-informed and anti-oppressive lens.  Book a free introductory meeting to find out more about me and how we might work together:


UUMAUUSCMSDI (Spiritual Directors International), LREDA

Created :8/2024 - MP