Bragg, Nancy
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One Page Ave. #507 Asheville, NC | Zoom, Skype, Phone
309-826-1004 |
Individual Supervision, Monthly
UU Wellspring: Approved (2021)
Philosophy of Spiritual Direction:
A spiritual director and a seeker work with the sacred to reveal what feels essential and true for the seeker by noticing “what is,” discerning what makes the seeker come alive, sensing shifts, and discovering direction in the seeker’s spiritual path.
My spiritual direction sessions begin in shared silence as we welcome the sacred.
My grounded presence and deep listening enable the seeker to share what is present and important in life, such as struggles, joys, longings, connections, wonderments, meaning, and purpose.
Whatever is present is used as a sacred doorway to transition deeply inward.
The seeker listens to feelings, sensations, intuition, and the quiet voice of who they truly are, while dampening the loud voices of ego, personality, and identities.
I gently nudge the seeker as I reflect what was said, pose probing questions, and offer observations.
The seeker connects increasingly with their sacred essence and what they are called to be and do.
Joy, laughter, playfulness, and humor find their way into our spiritual direction as we travel together wherever the seeker’s spiritual path leads.
My experience as a spiritual director encompasses education, elders/mature, Enneagram, grief and loss, group spiritual direction, and women’s issues. My spiritual spheres encompass Unitarian Universalism, Interspiritual, and Interfaith. I have experience with the Enneagram, SoulCollage and dreamwork, and welcome seekers who want to utilize these tools.
Updated 9/24 - MP