Reviewed Programs

Schools and programs that offer training in Spiritual Direction (This is a very partial list of Training programs our members have found worthwhile. If your program is not on the list, we will look at the program description on their website, or you can ask a program representative to send your membership guide a description of your program.)

NOTE: If you are looking at schools that other UUSDN members have attended, do NOT assume that the program currently complies with UUSDN criteria! Some programs change over time. Many UUSDN members have done additional work to meet criteria, in addition to completing their schoolwork. 

*Formation=actively continuing to integrate your identity as a spiritual director

**Supervised praxis=Client-facing time offering supervised spiritual direction. Your supervisor must either be affiliated with a UUSDN approved school, or be one of the supervisors listed on the UUSDN web site. Supervision must be individual or facilitated group, at least monthly.