Hanneman, Rev. Patty

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4519 Reigal Wood Road , Durham, NC  | Zoom / Telephone 


919-824-9343  | pattyhanneman@gmail.com  | www.soulfuljourneycollective.com 



Peer Supervision Monthly


I offer group Spiritual Direction


There exists within and around each of us a loving, creative spirit that transforms us as we cannot transform ourselves.  We all encounter this relationship differently.  As a spiritual director, I am trained to listen, guide, and befriend those who are interested in deepening their relationship with this spirit in order to listen to that "still, small voice within."  The Haden Institute, where I received my training, is based upon the natural spirituality of Carl Jung, so in our work together we will use the awareness that come from dreams, moments of synchronicity, and spiritual practices as we explore your spiritual journey. 


Updated 11/21 AKB